FSA Science Advisory Committee Recruitment

Committee remits

Last updated: 21 August 2024

Science Council 

  • Provides high-level, expert strategic insight, challenge, and advice to the FSA’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Board, and executive on the FSA's use of science to deliver FSA objectives. 

  • Ensures the FSA identifies, sources, integrates, and utilizes the best scientific evidence and expertise from all relevant disciplines to inform and evaluate its work. 


  • Provides expert strategic advice to the FSA on its use of the social sciences including new and emerging methods, processes and systems to interrogate data, to deliver the FSA's objectives. 

  • Its purpose is to help FSA utilise these sciences and approaches to shape and deliver its strategic objectives and understand its impact. 


  • Gather scientific information and assess its relevance to provide independent advice and support, focusing on specific scientific areas relevant to the FSA’s work. 

  • Ensure the FSA’s advice is based on the most recent and robust scientific evidence. 

  • Members include specialist academics, experienced practitioners, and consumer representatives. 


  • Offer specialised, independent advice and support. 

  • Gather and evaluate scientific information to ensure the FSA’s advice is grounded in the best and most recent scientific evidence. 

  • Composed of experts from various disciplines.