FSA Science Advisory Committee Recruitment

Application and selection process

Last updated: 22 August 2024

You will be required to complete an application form. The information entered on this form will be used to determine if you have the expertise, skills and knowledge at the level required by the committee and role you are applying for. If you demonstrate you meet the role criteria, you will be invited to interview.  

How to apply 

Please use the ‘Apply Now’ button below to complete the application form to apply for membership of the FSA's Science Council, SAC and JEG and follow the on-screen instructions. You will be invited to select the committee and role (e.g. chair; full member; associate member; lay person) you wish to apply for and to demonstrate how you meet the role criteria. You will also be required to make declarations related to standards in public life and ensuring public confidence.  

Application Process

Apply Now  

Please note - the CV section incorporated into the application form will not be scored. 


You will be asked to demonstrate how you meet the role criteria ((you can provide a maximum of 2500-characters (approximately 500 words) per criteria). This is your opportunity to give evidenced examples of how you meet the criteria.  

You will also have the opportunity to make a reasonable adjustment request and/or apply under the disability confident scheme before you submit your application. 

The application form submission deadline is 23:59 (BST/GMT+1) on Monday, October 7, 2024. Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.  

We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email within 72 hours of your submission. If you have not received an acknowledgment, please contact the SAC Recruitment Team.  

Use of Artificial Intelligence 

You must ensure that any evidence submitted as part of your application or used during interview, including your CV and any statements or examples, are truthful and factually accurate. Please note that plagiarism can include presenting the ideas and experiences of others, or generated by artificial intelligence, as your own. 

If you have any further questions and require clarification on using the form and how to submit an application, please contact the SAC Recruitment Team. If you require help with your application, please contact the team as soon as you are able to and if possible, before 12 noon on the advert closing date to allow sufficient time to support you with your query.  


Your application will be sifted and assessed against the role-specific selection criteria. All of your information will be processed in line with the FSA Data Protection Policy and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

We will inform you by email whether or not you have been shortlisted for an interview. If there is a high volume of applications, we may be unable to provide individual feedback at this stage. 


Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the interview stage. The interview will be your opportunity to elaborate on the information provided in the application form. A range of questions will be asked to allow you to demonstrate to the recruitment panel that you have the qualities and experience required.  

Each candidate will be considered very carefully, and the reasons for decisions will be noted. Records are kept in line with the FSA Data Protection Policy and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the interview stage. The interview will be your opportunity to elaborate on the information provided in the application form. A range of questions will be asked to allow you to demonstrate to the recruitment panel that you have the skills and experience required. 

Interviews will be held virtually using Microsoft Teams. Information on how to join will be sent to you prior to the interview. If you do not have the Microsoft Teams application installed on your computer, you can join on the web without installing the application. 

Sifting and interviewing selection criteria 

Please ensure you address the criteria associated with the role you are applying for.  

Applicants are required to meet the following to progress to interview:  

  • Two scores of 4 or higher, one of which must be in criteria 1. 

  • At least a score of 3 in all of the other criteria. 

Please see the scoring guide below for further details.  

Lay members will be scored using a similar scoring system as other committee members. However, consideration will be taken that lay members can be non-experts, who may contribute to the work of the SAC through their understanding of the broader context of the SAC work, or by representing the broader community potentially affected by the SAC advice.  

Selection criteria  


1. A high-level of expertise in an area specific to the committee applied to, evidenced by a strong record of achievement at a national or international level, with strong networks in the field. 

2. Leadership abilities, sound judgement, and an excellent track record in the assessment and interpretation of scientific data. 

3. The ability to contribute to the formulation and delivery of advice to the Board of the FSA. 

4. Evidence of strong communication skills and awareness of relevant food safety issues. 

Full/associate member  

1. Evidence of expert knowledge and experience in one or more of the of the required expertise areas for the committee(s) you are applying for, evidenced by a good record of achievement at a national or international level, with good networks in the field. 

2. Experience of, and contribution to, multi-disciplinary groups advising on complex scientific or technical questions. 

3. Strong analytical and judgement skills – evidence of being able to integrate information, think independently and be open to challenge. 

4. Evidence of well-developed interpersonal and communication skills with a collaborative style and an ability to engage and communicate with non-expert audiences. 

Science Council full/associate member  

For Science Council applications an additional two criteria must be met. 

1. Evidence of expert knowledge and experience in one or more of the of the required expertise areas for the committee(s) you are applying for, evidenced by a good record of achievement at a national or international level, with good networks in the field. 

2. Experience of, and contribution to, multi-disciplinary groups advising on complex scientific or technical questions. 

3. Strong analytical and judgement skills – evidence of being able to integrate information, think independently and be open to challenge. 

4. Evidence of well-developed interpersonal and communication skills with a collaborative style and an ability to engage and communicate with non-expert audiences. 

5. A breadth of expertise and networks with experience spanning disciplines relevant to the FSA. 

6. Informed perspective on the interests of consumers and citizens and experience of how these interests can be reflected in the work of the Council. 

Lay member  

1. Understanding of and interest in the work of SAC/JEG you are applying for, substantiated by relevant knowledge, networks and experience at a national or international level. 

2. Experience of contributing to the work of multi-disciplinary groups advising on complex scientific and technical questions from lay public perspectives. 

3. Strong analytical and judgement skills – evidence of being able to integrate information, think independently and be open to challenge. 

4. Evidence of well-developed interpersonal and communication skills with a collaborative style and an ability to engage and communicate with a wide range of audiences, including renowned scientists. 

Scoring guide 






Criterion not demonstrated.   

The candidate has provided insufficient evidence that relates to the issues being explored.  

The evidence does not clearly explain their understanding of the points associated with the issues.  



Minimal demonstration of criterion.  

The candidate has provided some evidence that relates to some of the issues being explored.  

In the main, the evidence explains their understanding of some of the points associated with these issues. 



Acceptable demonstration of criterion - meets criterion.  

The candidate has provided evidence that directly relates to the issues/area being explored.  

The evidence clearly indicates their understanding of some of the points in this area.  



Strong demonstration of criterion.  

The candidate has provided strong evidence that directly relates to the issues/area being explored. 

The evidence clearly indicates their understanding of the many points in this area.  



Outstanding demonstration of criterion – exceeds criterion. 


The candidate has provided very strong evidence that directly relates to the issues/area being explored.  

The evidence clearly indicates a high level of understanding of the many points in this area.  


Interview outcome 

The recruitment panel will be made up of relevant committee members and include an independent panel member. For chair roles and for Science Council the panel will be chaired by the FSA’s Chief Scientific Adviser. Prior to interview all candidates will be required to submit a Declaration of Interests form.  

Once all candidates have been interviewed, the panel will make recommendations for appointments for those judged to demonstrate the closest match with the published criteria. 

When agreement is reached regarding the candidates recommended for appointment, letters are sent out inviting the candidates to accept the appointment. Candidates will be requested to accept, in writing, their appointment to the committee.