Science Advisory Committees
The FSA’s Scientific Advisory Committees (SACs) gather scientific information and evaluate its relevance. This is to make sure that the FSA’s advice is based on the best and most recent scientific evidence. SAC members are appointed from a wide range of disciplines and include specialist academics, experienced practitioners and consumer representatives. The independent advice and support that SAC’s and the Joint Expert Groups provide is crucial to protecting public health and the interests of consumers
Our Committees

Science Council
The FSA Science Council is an independent expert committee of the Food Standards Agency, which consists of (at full membership) 10 to 12 expert members, including one Chair across a range of specialisms.
It provides high-level, expert strategic insight, challenge and advice to the FSA's Chief Scientific Adviser and to the Board and executive of the FSA on the FSA's use of science to deliver FSA objectives.
Advisory Committee on Social Science
The Advisory Committee for Social Science (ACSS) is an independent expert committee of the Food Standards Agency. It provides expert strategic advice to the FSA on its use of the social sciences including new and emerging methods, processes and systems to interrogate data, to deliver the FSA's objectives. Its purpose is to help FSA utilise these sciences and approaches to shape and deliver its strategic objectives and understand its impact.
Committee on Toxicity
The Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) is an independent scientific committee that provides advice to the Food Standards Agency, the Department of Health and other Government Departments and Agencies on matters concerning the toxicity of chemicals.
Joint Expert Groups
To support the FSA’s SACs, we have created three new Joint Expert Groups (JEGs) for regulated products, that work to the same principles as our SACs. The four SACs will continue to provide risk assessment advice for risk-based standards and controls, while the JEGs will tackle most work required for regulated products with SAC oversight.
Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food
Set up in 1990, the non-statutory Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF) provides expert advice to Government on questions relating to microbiological issues and food. The Committee provides advice in response to requests from the FSA and also on matters that Committee members themselves identify as important.

Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes
The Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) is a non-statutory, independent organisation, consisting of scientists and specialist experts, who actively advise the FSA on matters pertaining to novel foods, genetically modified foods, traditional foods and novel food processes.

Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs
Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs (ACAF) advises on the safety and use of animal feeds and feeding practices, with particular emphasis on protecting human health, and with reference to new technical developments.