
Join our Scientific Advisory Committees and Joint Expert Groups

Last updated: 11 September 2023

Before completing your application form, please read the person specification section below which contains details of the skills and knowledge required for the Chair and Member vacancies. Please also read the recruitment process, which contains information such as the criteria your application will be scored against, and the how to apply page.


Submission closes Monday 23rd October 2023 at 23:45 (BST). Please note: Applicants must allow for up to 72 hours between requesting and receiving the application form for any of the vacancies. Further details can be found on the 'how to apply' page.


Interviews for shortlisted applicants will take place in December 2023 and January 2024, they will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. 

Appointments will be confirmed in February 2024.

Induction will take place in March 2024.

Please email any further questions to the SAC recruitment team


Person Specification

We are looking for experts to fill 23 roles, across five committees and expert groups. Applicants to the Scientific Advisory Committees (SACs) and Joint Expert Groups (JEGs) must be able to demonstrate experience in line with the published criteria


Required Expert Skills

For each committee we are recruiting persons with specific expertise, as outlined below. Candidates must demonstrate a high-level of expertise in one or more of these areas, evidenced by a strong record of achievement at a national or international level, with strong networks in the field. For scientific roles this can be evidenced by publication in high profile peer-reviewed journals and/or presentations at international meetings. 


Areas of Expertise/Positions Available

We are looking for expertise in a wide range or areas across the different committees and groups detailed below. Further detail on the work of each of the committees for which we are recruiting can be found on the FSA website.  

Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT)

  • A Chair 

  • A clinical toxicologist 

  • Two lay members 

  • An expert in cellular toxicology 

  • An expert in neurotoxicity 

  • An expert in pharmacology 

The Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF)

  • A Chair (role starting 1st July 2024)

  • A lay member

  • A microbiologist with experience in retail produce safety and quality management 

  • An expert in medical microbiology

    • Particular focus in parasitology would be preferential 

  • An expert in food hygiene and food standards inspections involving microbiological food safety issues

The Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP)

  • Two experts in microbiology 

    • Particular focus in food microbiology would be preferential 

  • An expert in clinical allergy 

  • An expert in toxicology 

The Advisory committee on Animal Feedingstuffs (ACAF)

  • A lay member  

  • An expert in toxicology 

  • An expert in manufacturing and stability 

  • A chemist that can support assessment of synthetic compounds, impurities and residues 

The Joint Expert Group on Additives, Enzymes and other regulated products (AEJEG)

  • An expert in microbiology 

    • Preferably with experience in microbiome 

  • Two genotoxicity experts 


We are committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit and equal opportunities, with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. We welcome applications from suitably qualified people, regardless of their protected characteristics and working patterns.  

Applicants, whether selected or not, may separately be invited to join our Register of Specialists, through which they may be invited to provide advice or research on a one-off contractual basis. 


Ways of Working

The SACs and JEGs use Microsoft Teams and SharePoint as platforms to share documents and information and to hold virtual meetings. Members will be required to access and use Microsoft Teams and SharePoint effectively as part of their roles, so will need access to a computer with a stable internet connection and a webcam.


Time Commitment

The SACs hold up to eight one-day meetings a year, either virtually or in London, with occasional travel outside London, and members provide additional input between meetings, and on occasion form subgroups focusing on specific short-term topics. The FSA may also request advice from committees on an ad hoc basis or in emergencies.   

The overall time commitment will depend on the extent of members’ participation in the groups’ meetings and FSA’s strategic needs, but a minimum commitment is expected to be approximately 15 days a year. 


Public Service Values

Successful applicants will be expected to uphold public service values in fulfilling the role of independent adviser to the FSA. Candidates invited for interview will be asked about any issues in their personal or professional history that could draw into question their ability to fulfil this role, and it is important that candidates bring any such issues to the attention of the panel. 


Fees and Expenses

These positions are not salaried, but members may claim fees and reasonable travel and other expenses, in line with the Guidance on Committees Fees and Expenses



Members cannot hold any paid or high-profile unpaid posts in a political party, and cannot engage in specific political activities on matters directly affecting the work of this body.   

We welcome applications from existing members of government Scientific Advisory Committees; however, applicants must list relevant current appointments in the application to identify any cross-membership and assess any potential conflicts of interest.