
April Newsletter

Science Advisory Committees Quarterly Newsletter 

Last updated: 08 April 2022


FSA 5-year Strategy Launch  

Last month the FSA published its strategy for improving food over the next five years and recommitted to its mission of food you can trust. 

The five-year strategy reflects the FSA’s greater responsibilities now that the UK is outside of the EU and takes into account growing public concern about health and climate change. You can find the full strategy here


Food Standards Agency takes next step to regulate CBD market

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has confirmed the list of CBD products that are now one step closer towards being authorised. The CBD Public List shows which products have a credible application for authorisation with the FSA.


Speak Up For Allergies Campaign 

The FSA is launching the next phase of Speak Up For Allergies. The campaign will encourage young people to support friends with allergies when eating in restaurants and the important role front of house staff to provide allergen information effectively. 


Improving School Food Standards  

Following the publication of the Government’s Levelling Up White Paper yesterday, Susan Jebb, the FSA Chair welcomes plans for a pilot aimed at improving school food standards. 



January 2022 

26th ACSS Plenary Meeting 


February 2022 

2nd ACNFP Meeting 
8th COT Meeting 

9th ACMSF Meeting 

10th Feb COT EFSA BPA Opinion Meeting 

15th AFFAJEG Meeting  

18th AEJEG Meeting 

22nd FCMJEG Meeting 


March 2022 

9th FSA Board Meeting (Watch it here) 

29th COT Meeting  

30th ACNFP Meeting 



Recent Publications from across the FSA and SACs 


Kitchen Life 2: Literature Review 

Designed to inform the scope of the Kitchen Life 2 project. The literature review provides information on a range of interesting topics including, handwashing when preparing food, cooking, chilling and defrosting behaviours and adherence to use-by dates.  


Twitter Food Trends 

This report gives a summary of social media analysis divided by key categories to build our understanding of the views and concerns of the public when it comes to food in 2019-20. This was an interesting period to look at the way people were talking about food about how interests and concerns changed alongside global events. 


Call For Evidence - ‘Ocean Bound’ Plastics 

The Food Standards Agency is calling for retailers, manufacturers and suppliers to submit evidence on the safety of plastics which are recovered from the open environment and recycled for use as food contact material. 


Website feedback survey 2022 

We've launched our annual survey to learn more about how useful you find our website. 


FSA publishes first AMR survey of UK retail lamb and turkey meat 

The report presents results of testing for specific antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria, from lamb and turkey meat on retail sale in the UK between October 2020 and February 2021. 


Public perceptions of emerging alternative proteins 

A third of UK consumers are willing to try lab-grown meat and a quarter would try insects. New FSA research finds that knowing these alternative proteins are safe is the top factor in encouraging consumers to try them. 





April 2022 

5th FCMJEG Meeting 

19th AFFAJEG Meeting 

28th AEJEG Meeting  


May 2022 

10th COT Meeting  

25th AFFAJEG Meeting 


June 2022 

7th FCMJEG Meeting  

7th June SAC Chairs Meeting  

8th ACNFP Meeting 

10th June New SAC Members Induction 

14th AEJEG Meeting  

14th ACSS Plenary Meeting 

15th FSA Board Meeting 

23rd Science Council Open Meeting  

23rd ACMSF Meeting 


July 2022 

12th COT Meeting 

13th COT Workshop 


August 2022 

3rd FCMJEG Meeting


September 2022 

6th COT Meeting 

7th ACNFP Meeting 

14th FSA Board Meeting