

Recruitment for the FSA's Scientific Advisory Committees and Science Council

Last updated: 01 November 2023

Our current campaign has now closed. 

Future campaign details will be hosted on this page, or sign up to our Science Newsletter for regular updates about FSA science and opportunities.



Full Members 

A full member has specific technical expertise or experience that complements their Scientific Advisory Committee and would be expected to be a recognised expert in their subject. Full members are given a standard first term of appointment for three years. 

Associate Members 

The purpose of an associate member is to encourage early or mid-career researchers to be involved in the work of the FSA by joining a Scientific Advisory Committee where they might not be sufficiently experienced to join as a full member. 

An associate member will be assigned a member, or the Chair, of their Scientific Advisory Committee to act as a mentor on all committee work. They will participate in committee meetings and any sub-groups that are appropriate for their expertise.  

Associate members are given a 1-year term as standard. 

Lay Members 

A lay member is a full member who is not a technical expert on the Scientific Advisory Committee, but who is there to represent the interests of consumers. Their precise role may vary depending on the remit of the committee to which they have been appointed. They may act as a critical friend, contribute experience from outside the professional membership, or provide an external non-expert perspective to the decision-making process. They may also help to quality assure the committee’s outputs or to support clear communication of the committee’s work.